Inform. Inspire. Action

Will a state-led electoral systems review offer the desired outcomes?  

President Bio, members of his cabinet and other members of the public during the State Opening of Parliament. Photo Credit: First Lady, Fatima Bio on FaceBook.

On Thursday, the new Parliament of Sierra Leone was officially convened in what is known as a State Opening. This comes amidst the ongoing political stalemate and a boycott by the main opposition, the All People’s Congress (APC). At the State Opening, the President, Julius Maada Bio, announced that a committee would be set up […]

Reflections on the June 24 elections: what next? 

Voters' queue at a polling station in Pujehun. Photo Credit: ECSL on FaceBook.

Three decades after the return of multiparty democracy, the state of affairs in the country presents a serious test—a test to fail, pass or come out with the best imperfect scenario. How the political actors and the institutions concerned handle it will determine whether the nation skids down the dangerous path of eroding democratic gains […]

Reflections on the June 24 polls

We are happy to be back with our Saturday Editorials. During the elections, we decided to suspend the publication of the editorials because we wanted to avoid a situation where such hard-hitting analysis and opinions could be politicised. Now that the dust has settled (has it really?), we can start off with a reflection on […]

Why manifestos matter  

President Bio launches New Direction Manifesto in 2018. Photo Credit: The Sierra Leone Telegraph.

The ordinary Sierra Leonean does not need to be reminded that their economy is in shambles, the currency is in a freefall and that their healthcare, water and electricity services are undependable. They live it, and they know it. What they do not know is how their aspirants and leaders plan to fix the problems. That is why manifestos matter. 

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