Inform. Inspire. Action

Why mainstream opposition is lost in a political labyrinth

The symbols of major opposition parties in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone’s mainstream opposition seems to be lost in a political labyrinth. While it is not our business to help them navigate their way out, we acknowledge the important role of the opposition in a democracy. And therefore, it will be helpful to try and understand the behaviour of the mainstream opposition and the possible […]

It’s a Democracy: You Can’t Intimidate Your Way To Re-election

It’s a democracy: you can't intimidate your way to re-election

It has been another eventful week. The invitation and interrogation of Freetown Mayor, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr and the detention of opposition lawyer Ady Macauley by the Sierra Leone Police sparked a huge public uproar this week.  Lawyers, activists and other members of the public have condemned the detention of Mr Macauley, calling for his release. The […]

Who pays your salary? How public officials blur the line between state and party

Sierra Leonean public official displaying a placard in New York

The nature of politics in Sierra Leone produces a state and government that is highly patrimonial. In fact, political scientists would refer to it as neo-patrimonial—a system that runs on a patron-client exchange, transacting political favours for the loyalty of clients. The patrons are usually leaders, top officials, anyone with access to state resources and […]

Musa Tombo is different: We must live with that!

Musa Noah Kamara

The intention of this week’s editorial is not to dwell on the much-talked-about Musa Tombo situation just for the sake of it. Musa Noah Kamara’s (also known as Musa Tombo) repeated rejection of an overseas lifestyle and foreign football career has been problematised by many Sierra Leoneans without regard for the nuances and peculiarity of […]

It’s the economy!!!

The New Leone banknotes

The economy is in very bad shape. No doubt. Prices are skyrocketing, making it harder for people to make ends meet. In a country where most of the population lives below the poverty line with a GDP per capita of around US$ 600, one can only imagine how miserable life has become. A quick look […]

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