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Reflections on the June 24 elections: what next? 

Voters' queue at a polling station in Pujehun. Photo Credit: ECSL on FaceBook.

Three decades after the return of multiparty democracy, the state of affairs in the country presents a serious test—a test to fail, pass or come out with the best imperfect scenario. How the political actors and the institutions concerned handle it will determine whether the nation skids down the dangerous path of eroding democratic gains […]

Reflections on the June 24 polls

We are happy to be back with our Saturday Editorials. During the elections, we decided to suspend the publication of the editorials because we wanted to avoid a situation where such hard-hitting analysis and opinions could be politicised. Now that the dust has settled (has it really?), we can start off with a reflection on […]

Politicians must talk and do the peace 

President Bio shared a light moment with his opponent Dr Samura Kamara at the peace pledge event.

It is easy to sign a pledge. It is easy to talk about peace. The difficult part is to do peace and as hard as it is, the political leaders are capable of delivering it if they want to. It is just sad that they need reminding every time there are elections and the conversation is always about preventing violence. We need to grow up. 

Bio’s land giveaways: a landed populism

President Bio and Minister of Lands, Dr Turad Senessie. Photo Credit: Ministry of Lands and Country Planning on FaceBook.

President Julius Maada Bio’s government has taken an interesting approach to land distribution in the Western Area. The government has been raffling state-owned land, with the latest round targeting commercial motorbike and rickshaw operators (Okada and Keke riders). A thousand of them will receive land from the State. Civil servants and journalists benefited from the […]

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